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viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

The Delivery


The delivery is one of the main concern of the pregnant women, especially for those who hasn't live this experience. Be a mom is a work that is learn with a lot of practice and getting ready for the delivery is question to inform to can be more quiet. although you don't know anything about the processes and delivery's stages, the cursos de preparacion can help you in this way. You also can know the alternative methods of delivery, and talk with your doctor about the delivery you most like or the needed for you.

   Symptoms Of Delivery:

    Don't wait to call your doctor up, either day or night, when:

    1.- Contractions occur every 5 or 10 minutes.
    2.- When break the placenta and out a liquid dark brown with spots.
    3.- You can't walk or talk during the contractions.
    4.- Notes some dilatation

 Opening the door to the baby in the delivery:

    The delivery process usually last 8 to ten hours, clearly there are exceptions, all depends on the state of the mother and the baby. The delivery's work begins with the first contractions caused by the reduction of cervical until it disappears completely. Contractions usually occur every 20 or 30 minutes, during 15 to 20 seconds each one. Once the cervical has gone, the contractions increase because of the progresive dilatation of the neck that sould present an opening of 10 cm to can give pass to baby. Until the baby get out, this process usually last 6 to 8 hours, depending on if it is the first delivery of the mother.

 Delivery's Contractions:

    Once begining the dilatation's process of the cervix, you can feel soft contractions every 10 or 15 minutes, with a last of 20 seconds. In this moment the aperture of your utero will be of 2 cm, the contractions keep and usually obey the following rate 

    1.- Contractions every 5 minutes, lasting 30 to 40 minutes, dilatation of 5 cm.
    2.- Contractions every 4 minutes, lasting 40 to 45 seconds, dilatation of 6 cm.
    3.- Contractions every 2 or 3 minutes, lasting 45 to 50 seconds, dilatation of 8 cm.
    4.- Contractions every minute, lasting 1 minute, dilatation of 10 cm.

    When you get to this stage, you will have little time between a contraction and other, you can feel a heat sensation, stretching and burning in the vagina.

    When the neck has 10 cm of dilatation, the expulsion process of the baby begins. The contractions will disappears, and the most sure the doctor ask you to push the baby, in this moment the baby's head will be on the birth canal downing until the fibula making a rotation move.

 The baby's expulsion:

    When the doctor could see 3 or 4 cm of the baby's head, will practioce you the episiotomy ( Cut in the fibula) To make easier the expulsion of the baby, The doctor keep asking you to push the baby, and once the shoulders out all the bady will get out alone, in this moment you feel hurt but you will be relax because yor son was born.

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